Search Engine
purpose of this document is to provide you with background information
on search engine technology and some tips
on how to get your web
site to appear on the result pages of search engines and directories.
We are by no means promising any miracles. However, this information
will help you better understand search engines and directories
and will hopefully serve to put you in a better position.
What is a search engine?
do search engines differ from directories, announcement sites,
and guides on the Web?
Tips for Getting Listed in Search Engines
Indexing Characteristics Specific To Individual Search Engines
long does it take a Search Engine to list my site?
should I submit inside pages of my site?
do I optimize my announcement with a directory?
do I get top search engine rankings and what should I expect to
pay to get them?
else can I promote my site?
Search engines utilize
indexing software agents often called robots or spiders. These
agents are programmed to constantly "crawl" the Web
in search of new or updated pages. They will essentially go from
URL to URL until they have visited every Web site on the Internet.
When visiting a Web
site, an agent will record the full text of every page (home and
sub-pages) within the site. It will then continue on to visit
all external links. Following these external links is how search
engines are able to find your site regardless of whether or not
you register your URL with them. Submitting your URL, however,
does speed up the process. It notifies an agent to visit and index
your site instead of waiting for it to eventually locate you through
one of your external links.
Robots will then revisit
your site periodically to refresh the recorded information. The
revisiting of links is the reason why some search engines don't
require you to inform them of dead links. Eventually, their robot
would try unsuccessfully to update the information on a dead link
and realize it no longer exists.
Finally, an easy way
to tell whether a Web index is a search engine as opposed to another
type of directory is by the information it requires when adding
your URL. A true search engine will only need the Web address.
The indexing agent takes care of the rest.
to Top]
do search engines differ from directories,
announcement sites, and guides on the Web?
The main difference between a search engine and a general directory
is that a directory will not list your URL if you do not register
it with them. They do not make use of indexing software agents
and so have no way of knowing it's out there. As a result, their
registration form will be considerably longer than just your URL.
Directories are usually subdivided into categories and you have
to submit your URL under the most appropriate heading.
The explosion of sites being added daily to the Web has created
a need for announcement sites that track all of the new sites
that join the Internet. Announcement sites are not only useful
for Webmasters and marketers to kick-off their online promotion
campaign, but also for users to keep current on what's happening
with the WWW. Depending on the announcement site, different Internet
documents can be announced -- new web pages, new articles as well
as new resources. The time period policy also differs from announcement
site to announcement site, but all "announcements" are
posted for a temporary period of time. Once removed from the What's
New section, most announcement sites archive these pages so users
can continue to access them.
Guides &
Cool Sites:
Guides are quickly becoming an important source for finding interesting
and useful sites on the Web. In general, Guides review and rate
only a small percentage of all sites submitted. Therefore, make
sure your site is "rate-worthy" before posting. Most
of the guides allow reviewed sites to use their special icons
as a sign of quality. Cool sites usually select one new Web site
every day. Getting selected as a cool site will attract high traffic,
but that traffic will usually only be experienced for a temporary
period of time.
to Top]
Tips for Getting Listed in Search Engines:
Each search
engine looks at different elements of your page, therefore we
highly recommend implementing as many of these Tips as possible.
Use keywords in the <TITLE> of your document making
it as descriptive as possible. When visiting your site, an agent
will go first to the <TITLE> tag. For clarification purposes,
the <TITLE> tag is what a browser will display in its
title bar and is not simply the first line of HTML that shows
up on your page. (Although your first words of introductory
text should be descriptive as well). Search engines will display
the text located between the <TITLE> tags when your web
page is listed in a search. By making your <TITLE> descriptive,
you'll be better off than those who only have keywords within
the text of their page. It will also be helpful when people
bookmark your web site. If a more descriptive name appears in
a person's hotlist, it will be easier to find your site at a
later date.
For example, instead
of using <TITLE> Suncorp </TITLE> as the title of
Suncorp's home page, <TITLE> Suncorp: Tanning Supplier
</TITLE> would be much more descriptive. It would also
place greater emphasis or relevancy on "Tanning Supplier"
when calculating keywords.
2. Descriptive
keywords in the actual
text of your web page.
You may already know that few people search the web by using
just one keyword. They soon learn that the results they get
are too broad. A common mistake some webmasters make is that
they rely only on a key phrase that is so popular that they
are competing with tens of thousands of other sites. They are
lost in the crowd.
What you really would
like to do is to find key phrases that are highly used in searches,
but are not used by your competitors! Put those on your site,
get them indexed, and you have a chance of really increasing
your traffic!
Do you know that
some of the most used keywords are "search," "find,"
"free," "where'" "do," "I,"
etc? Many people actually type "search for..." or
"find..." or "where do I...or "free"
Visit your major competitors' sites, view their source code,
and see what key phrases and words they are using. Most browsers
will view the source code of a web page by right clicking your
mouse, and choosing something similar to "view source"
from the menu. You will get some good ideas here.
Include the "most used" words that are mentioned above
somehow on your site, but only use "free" if it applies.
Don't "spam" the search engine engines. Don't use
words that don't apply to your site. "MP3" and "sex"
are two of the most actively searched words. Please don't use
such words just to generate traffic. You want targeted traffic
- the other visitors will just be upset with you and leave.
Several of the search engines and directories will catch you
at this, and delete your site from their databases.
Don't over use a keyword or phrase on a page. Look at the source
code of some pages that are ranking high in a search. Try to
match their keyword "density" and placement.
Put your keywords at or near the top of the body section of
your page. Some search engines don't read the whole page.
Keep trying! After your pages have been submitted and indexed,
do searches and see how you rank. If you are not happy with
your results modify your keyword tags and page content and re-submit.
With persistence, you can win!
3. Use <META>
tags which allow you to provide even more detail about
your Web pages and thereby gain greater control over how your
pages are indexed. Not all search engines make use of <META>
tags, but adding these tags to your pages will make them more
accessible to the search engines that do.
<META> tag codes are inserted within the <HEAD>---
--- <HEAD> tag. The basic syntax is:
<META name="description"
content="a health and fitness center located in Atlanta">
This will control
what appears as the summary of your Web page and will be displayed
after the title of your document in the index listing. The content
of the description should clearly convey what one can expect
to find when linking to your site.
<META name="keywords"
content="running, weight control, nutrition, aerobics,
cholesterol, Georgia">
This will allow you
to provide extra information about your page to the search engines
without it being visible to the reader. While search engines
do take these keywords into account when indexing your page,
they are still going to index the entire contents of your page
as many sites do not include <META> tags. One way to maximize
the usefulness of keywords is to incorporate singular and plural
cases of words as well as active and passive verbs. For example,
diet, diets, and dieting will yield similar but somewhat varying
results in a search. Since you're able through <META>
tags, why not guarantee you come up on all of them.
Do not, however, excessively
repeat keywords in a keyword <META> tag as search engines
may penalize you for this. At present, InfoSeek and Lycos are
two such examples and others may adopt similar policies in the
future. The penalty will most likely be the spider disregarding
the <META> tag and extracting keywords from the content
of your page- as is usually the case. However, some Submit It!
users have reported being dropped from a search engine's database
and felt keyword repetition played a role in the removal of
their listing.
should definitely make use of <META> tags?
Sites using
Netscape frames:
The main HTML file contains the <FRAMESET> tags, but
fails to provide robots with any real useful information for
selecting a Web site's abstract. Therefore you should include
a description summarizing the contents of the frames on your
page with <META> tags.
Sites using
Javascript at the top of their page:
If JavaScript code makes up the first several hundred characters
on your page, you should use <META> tags to provide
a description for your page. An indexing agent's search logic
is programmed to place more emphasis on the text located at
the top of your page than the content it combs through towards
the bottom.
Use ALT tags especially if
your site contains multiple
photos or graphic-image maps at the top of your home page. Some
search engines will take into account the text within an ALT
tag when creating your site's description and keywords. In addition,
you will be greatly appreciated by all people who visit your
site with their Auto Load Images option turned off or by those
who prefer to use character browsers.
ALT tags are placed after an image file and generally look like
the following:
<img src="/images/submits.gif"
alt="Submit It! : Web site marketing services and tools."
If your site utilizes frames,
you should be aware that search engines treat frames as if they
are links within your main page. As a result the engines will
review and index your main page and, at a later date, return
to index each individual frame just as it will return to index
all other internal links within your web site. Therefore, in
order to have your main page (typically titled index.htm or
default.htm) indexed accurately and efficiently, we recommend
that you add some descriptive text between the <noframes>
and </noframes> tags of the HTML source coding of your
main page. The noframes tags are usually placed below your frame
set information. The frame set information is designated by
<frameset> and </frameset>. This text should include
your most important keywords and keyword phrases. Adding this
text will provide the search engines with content from which
to derive keywords for indexing. After this change has been
made to your Web site, the page itself will appear exactly the
same to anyone using a browser that supports frames. However,
users of browsers that do not support frames (i.e. Netscape
1.0 or lower) will now be able to successfully view your home
to Top]
Characteristics Specific
To Individual Search Engines:
At the present time, Excite does not make use of tags. Since keywords
and summaries are automatically generated by Excite, you have
less control over their creation. However, there are still a few
things you can do. Excite's software looks for common words or
themes within a page. It then selects sentences for the summary
that either contain these words or convey the overall theme. The
words within these sentences are also used as keywords for which
the site can be searched.
Especially at the
beginning of your page, be as concise as possible and limit
non-descriptive sentences. If the Excite robot comes across
a number of ambiguous phrases, it will have to look deeper
and deeper into your site to determine its theme and site
summary. Along the same line, too little text will also force
the robot to travel further into the site for more information
in order to establish a theme.
Excite's indexing
software places preference on complete, punctuated sentences.
If you have content, such as a quote, at the top of your page
that you do not want Excite to include in your site summary,
do not display it as a complete sentence. This will lessen
the chance that the quote will be included, but will not guarantee
its exclusion.
/ Inktomi
HotBot supports
both the keywords and description <META> tags.
If you strongly
believe that your site was not ranked as high as you thought
it deserved in a search query, HotBot allows you to send them
an email to bugs@hotbot.com. Be sure to include the URL of
the search page.
InfoSeek supports
both the keywords and description <META> tags. Your
description can include up to 200 characters of text and the
keywords can include up to 1000 characters of text. Do not
repeat versions of a keyword more than seven times. If you
do, InfoSeek will disregard the entire keyword list.
If you do not make
use of the description <META> tag, InfoSeek's agent
will simply insert the first 200 characters after the <BODY>
tag as the web page description. Hence, if your Web document
does not contain <META> tags, at least try to make your
first 200 words accurately describe your Web site.
InfoSeek also indexes
the ALT attribute in the <IMG> tag. If the majority
of your home page consists of graphics, you can describe your
page with the ALT attribute.
The syntax for an
<IMG> tag code is:
<IMG SRC="/images/clinton.gif" ALT="picture
of President Clinton">
InfoSeek Ultra will make use of <META> tags allowing you
to control the description that appears in a search result as
well as guide its web indexing in the selection of your site's
keywords. If you do not make use of <META> tags, Ultra will
simply use the first few words it comes across as your Web site
Lycos creates Web site titles and descriptions from the text of
your Web page. Lycos' search agent selects a portion of the site
that well represents its theme. It then displays this section
as the site's description.
The keywords are also
chosen via artificial intelligence by Lycos' spider. With this
in mind, do not open your page with an image map. If you do, Lycos
will not be able to take an abstract for your document.
WebCrawler relies on the statement within the <TITLE> tag
to use for the name of your page. While other search engines will
derive a summary from the <BODY> text of the document, Web
Crawler will default to the URL if you fail to include a title.
In conclusion, do not make it your goal to appear in the top ten
list of every search engine. This would not only be a very difficult
task, but would most likely end in disappointment. You are virtually
guaranteed to have varying success rates with different search
engines due to the collection of variables that play a role in
every search result. These variables include size of database,
method used for determining relevancy, policy on spamming, use
of <META> tags and more. Hence, optimize your listings by
capitalizing on the indexing criteria shared by search engines.
If you have a favorite or preferred search engine that you feel
strongly about being yielded as high as possible in a search,
customize your Web pages accordingly. Just keep in mind that this
might lessen your perceived relevancy on another.
to Top]
long does it take a Search Engine to list my site?
Many of the search
engines take time to list a site. The approximate time it may take
a search engine to list your site is:
Altavista |
to 2 weeks |
Excite |
to 3 weeks |
/ Yahoo! Web Pages |
to 3 weeks |
/ Inkto / AOL / GoTo / MSN |
to 2 weeks |
/ Go Network |
weeks |
Lycos |
to 4 weeks |
Light |
to 3 weeks |
WebCrawler |
to 6 months |
Yahoo |
to 12 weeks |
If after the time listed in the chart above has elapsed and you
are still not finding your site listed, you should re-submit your
URL to the search engines that do not have your listing. It often
takes more than one submission to get the best results.
Search engines receive
tens of thousands of submissions every day. On days when the submission
level is above normal, a certain number of submissions can be received
properly but still not get listed. If your listing is not appearing
on a certain search engine, you should resubmit it.
For the FAQ pages of individual
search engines, please see the following links:
to Top]
should I submit inside pages of my site?
considering how many pages of your site to promote, it is important
to remember directories generally accept one listing per company.
This is usually your home or main page. Search engines index multiple
pages within a site, but you cannot control which pages they will
index unless you submit the individual URLs (pages).
The critical pages
to submit are your major topic pages, pages with unique content,
or pages that describe a specific product or service. For example,
a sports store will have separate pages on basketball, baseball
and football which should all be submitted. Another benefit to
submitting multiple pages in this example is that the basketball
page will appear higher in a search for "basketball"
than the sports site home page. These pages should also include
descriptive title tags and meta tags. In order for site visitors
to easily navigate your site, these major topic pages should provide
clear links to other topic pages and your home page.
to Top]
do I optimize my registration with a directory?
Since directories
are hierarchical databases organized by subject, subject category
selection would logically be the most critical aspect of linking
your site to a directory. Give some thought to which category(s)
your URL should be placed as this location will ensure the right
people (those interested in your site) will be visiting your link.
URL registrations can quickly become complex process when every
directory contains a different sub-categorization scheme.
There unfortunately
is no formula or exact method for correctly placing one's site
into a subject-oriented guide. However, here are a few Tips:
Do not assume a
category (i.e. Entertainment) means the same thing on every
Take the time to
drill down within the directory until you come to the subcategory
most appropriate for your site. If you find many organizations
similar to your own listed, you're probably in the right place.
Do not choose a
less fitting category because it's either alphabetically desirable
or doesn't contain many other links. If it is not appropriate,
there is no reason to believe anyone clicking that category
would be interested in visiting your site.
If you cannot find
an appropriate category, do not hesitate to suggest a new
one. This advice even applies to Yahoo!! Do you think the
Yahoo! staff thought of all 22,000 headings all by themselves?
Since Yahoo! is well ... Yahoo!, it will be discussed separately
from the hundreds of other directories included in the Submit
It! Service. It actually is unique from all other directories
in that you could be listed on Yahoo! without having submitted
your URL. They make use of a robot that searches for new sites
at certain Internet locations (i.e. announcement sites, etc.).
Despite Yahoo!'s implementation of this search robot, mostly all
of their new additions still come via their "Add URL"
Your Yahoo Submission
Made Easy
For Internet users,
Yahoo! is one of the more notoriously difficult submission forms
to successfully complete. In actuality, the Yahoo! submission
form is far from a mind-numbing experience. We have outlined the
necessary steps below. If you follow them, it will not only simplify
the process for you, but also enable you to gain the greatest
advantage possible through your submission.
1. Find your
Yahoo category.
From Yahoo's home page, drill down and locate up to 2 Yahoo categories
that best describe your Web site. A good indicator that you have
found an appropriate sub-category is when you scroll down and
see sites already listed that are similar to your own, or, even
more so, find a direct competitor! If after searching through
a number of Yahoo categories, you still are not sure where to
place your site, try searching by a keyword you would want your
site to be found under. Existing Yahoo categories will be displayed
with the search results.
Yahoo requires commercial sites to be placed within a Business
and Economy subcategory - either under Companies or Products and
Services. Personal Home pages must go in the Entertainment/People
category. If your site is regionally specific, add it to the appropriate
subcategory under the Regional heading category.
If suggesting more than one category, press the ADD URL icon when
on the category of your first choice. Then enter the string of
the second category into the Additional Categories field. To avoid
making a typo to a long string, copy the URL located within the
Address or Location field of your browser. To do this, highlight
the text after http://www.yahoo.com/ with your mousse. Right mousse
click and release the mouse over 'copy'.
For example:
Business_and_Economy/Companies/Music/ CDs__Records__and_Tapes/Online_Shopping/
2. Click the
Suggest A Site hyperlink at the bottom of the screen.
After finding the category you wish your site to be placed within,
click the Suggest A Site hyperlink at the bottom of the screen.
This will take you to the Yahoo submission form with the Category
fields already pre-filled.
3. Fill out
the ADD URL Form
Two particularly important fields are the Title and Description
fields. Yahoo does not allow you to suggest keywords in their
submission form. Instead, it will use both the Title and Description
fields to derive search words for your site. Therefore, think
carefully about what keywords you want Yahoo to list you under
and construct your Title and Description fields around them. Do
not, however, just submit keywords separated by commas. Enter
complete, coherent phrases/sentences.
Example of a poorly
constructed title:
Brian's Music Store
Example of an optimized
Brian's Music Store, CD's for sale
Your title should not exceed 50 characters (including spacing).
Example of a poorly
constructed Description:
Click to this page to listen to a wide variety of music sure to
fit your interest.
Example of an optimized
Pop, Rock, New Age and Alternative CD's. Many artists, your favorite
music, CD's on sale.
Your description should not exceed 20 words or 200 characters
(including spacing).
Yahoo has employees
visit the URL of submissions to verify that the category you selected
is appropriate and that the title and description are accurate.
As a result, do not exaggerate what is located on your site. In
the end, your site will simply not get listed.
4. Click the
Submit button.
Once you have completed the form, click the Submit button to send
your Web site information to Yahoo. If the form has been filled
out properly, Yahoo will display a screen that thanks you for
the submission. If there is an error in the submission form, Yahoo
will display a screen informing you that the submission has failed
and, depending on the error, tells you why the submission failed.
In the case of a failure, press the Back key on your browser,
make the necessary changes and resubmit.
5. Check your
Yahoo states that it should take two weeks for your site to be
listed. They recommend you do a search for your URL. If your site
is not listed, then resubmit your entry using the Add URL function
in Yahoo.
to Top]
do I get top search engine rankings and what should I expect to
pay to get them?
Most people have limited
knowledge when it comes to search engine ranking and the various
types of services on offer. We all know that having top 10 positions
on some of the leading engines can bring all the traffic we can
handle, and then some. A simple way to approach this is to look
at your competition. Do a quick search on one of the leading engines
like Google or Alta Vista, using a search phrase that people might
use when looking for your products or services, and see what comes
Based on your search
results use this as a 'rule of thumb' guide for evaluation purposes
Between 1 and 5000 results
puts you in a "low competition" category.
Between 5001 and 25000 puts you in a "medium competition"
Between 25001 and 250,000 puts you in a "high competition"
Over 250,000 puts you in an "extreamely hight competition"
Based on the above,
determine the competitiveness of your category, then start to
research the level of service necessary for your site. Something
that you must understand at this point is that either you, or
somebody you pay will have to submit your site to all the leading
engines and directories. There is a plethora of so called "submission"
services around the internet, be very careful with these services
and understand fully what you are paying for. Many of them use
"hype" such as - "we submit your site to 1000+
leading search engines" etc. This is extremely misleading.
There are only a handful of top select search engines, the rest
are usually topic specific directories.
Directories require
a manual submission process where you locate the most appropriate
category for your listing then enter your web address, email,
business info, phone, keywords and a site description. This can
only be done manually. These directories are extremely important.
Yahoo!, for example, searches it's directory listings before turning
to the "search engine" for more results.
Once you have determined
the level of competition for top positions in your business category,
use the following as a basic guide:
Low to Medium Competition
- Locate a good submission service who will give your home
page a "tune-up" or "prep" and then submit
your site to all the leading engines and directories. Expect
to pay anywhere around $5 to $25 dollars a month for search
engine submission service and about $25 to $65 for search
engine and directory submission services.
Medium to High Competition
- Try to locate a service that will go beyond basic Meta Tag
revisions. Very few search engines pay much attention to what's
in your Meta tags, so look for someone who will make changes
to the HTML on your key content and page text to give them
a boost. At the lower price service levels, the changes will
be mostly hidden and will not change the outside appearance
of you site. These services are less predictable than more
expensive services, but in many cases can generate some very
good page rankings. Whoever you chose should submit your site
manually to all the to all the leading engines and directories.
Expect to pay around $55 to $95 per month. Make sure that
you are getting more than revised Meta Tags at this price
Sites with extremely
high competition - You
will come across various approaches at the higher service
levels. Most common is to use what is commonly referred to
as "doorway" or "leader" pages. These
pages are designed to focus on a specific search phrase, each
targeting a specific search engine. These pages "float"
outside your site (they are not part of the normal link navigation
of your site) and are meant to just grab searchers and pull
them into your site. It is not necessary to have to modify
any of your existing pages to add them.
A respectable web design service or some one educated on the
subject should be able to assist with the creation of these
pages. Please keep in mind that these pages might need to
go through a trial and error period to increase its notoriety.
Look for a service that adopts the "theme" of your
main site, and actually adds valuable content to your site.
Costs are widely varying at this level of service. Some charge
a basic setup fee then charge you for "click-throughs".
Paying a fee each time someone visits your site is unpredictable
and can get very costly. Remember, you want targeted marketing.
It would be rather easy for a service to trick people onto
your site... but these people probably won't be your customers
and you will be paying for all of the traffic.
Others charge setup fees then have a "pay on results"
system where you pay an agreed commission when one of your
pages reaches a top 10 or 20 position on a targeted search
engine. This approach is incentive driven and provides you
with a "maximum cost exposure" at the start of the
job. Others charge based on an hourly rate and provide "best
endeavors" to achieve the rankings you require, without
any guarantees.
to Top]
are several "tricky" things you can do to try to get
your URL listed higher or more times on a search engine results
page. We are listing these alternatives, but are in no way recommending
them as these Web site promotion methods may be viewed as "cheating"
by some members of the Internet community. In fact, some of the
search engines are starting to penalize people that use these
tricks. The reason why we list these tricks is to help you understand
why some sites always show up multiple
times or always at the top.
Placing mass amounts
of hidden keywords <!software manufacturer, software manufacturer,...>
at the bottom of your document. Search engines calculate keywords
by how many times they appear on a page. It is important to
be aware that search engines may penalize you for excessively
repeating keywords. At present, InfoSeek and Lycos are two
examples and others may adopt similar policies in the future.
Changing your name
to A1 Enterprises or !Rob's Restaurant in order to appear
at the top. Our suggestion is that you pick something descriptive
instead. You might appear at the top by changing your name,
but be skipped over because the new one does not evoke a professional
or trustworthy company image.
Changing your <TITLE>
regularly so when robots revisit your site to refresh their
information, they will interpret the new title to mean the
existence of a new site. The result being your page will be
listed more than once in a search.
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