CGI Scripts
- Whois Internic Check
- Free for All Links
- Simple Site Search
- Graphical Counter
- Formmail
- Cgiemail
- Click and Go Redirection
- Random text display
- Text Based SSI Counter
- Postcards
- Quizmaster
- Text Based Counterote/Polling
- Power Search
- SFE PageSearch
** Your Domain
Name will be provided to you FREE OF CHARGE as long as your hosting
account is active. If you discontinue your service with us and
wish to continue to use your domain name, you will be charged
the current domain name registration fees. New domain names take
about 24 to 48 hours to become available in the WhoIs database.
You are hosted
on our fiber optic network, which connects to the Internet through
4 redundant DS-3 multi-homed connections. This high-speed connectivity
combined via one of our exceptionally fast and reliable Dual Pentium
III servers, guarantee fast access to all web sites housed within
our network, and 99.9% uptime 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
All our systems run a customized version of RedHat, using the
powerful Apache Web Server and Apache SSL Server for secure transactions.
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