2245 S. Woodland Blvd., DeLand, FL 32720 - Phone: 386-943-8108 Hotties
Tan & Nails is open 7 days a week ! Monday
- Friday, 10:00am to 8:00pm Walk ins are Welcome!! Special
- Tanning Packages -
Hotties Nail Services Hotties "Spend the day with us Special"! Hotties
"Spend the day with us Special", is a great gift giving idea
for Birthdays, Christmas, Mothers Day, Valentines Day, Weddings, Anniversaries,
Proms, Homecomings, Graduations and more! With the "Spend the day
with us Special" you'll receive a Relaxation Facial, a Pedicure
*and* a Manicure, a Paraffin Dip for both hands and feet, a 20 minute
Tanning Session, and a Tanning Lotion Sampler! Total Retail Value is
$82.00, but our Special Price is only $64.95! Hotties Gift Certificates are great for special occasions or "Just Because"! (TOP)
(TOP) Relaxation
Facial: Includes Cleansing, toning, exfoliating, masque, steaming, moisturizing,
(TOP) Hotties also carries "Viacreme for Women" The All natural Woman's alternative to Viagra! Viacreme is an all natural topical creme that is convenient and easy to use. It contains essential active ingredients, which promote clitoral sensitivity and improve the opportunity for a woman to achieve orgasm. Viacreme does not require a prescription. Viacreme is available in single units, as well as a 3 pack, 6 pack, and 12 pack. Each unit contains 3 to 4 applications.
Hotties Tan & Nails 2245
S. Woodland Blvd., DeLand, FL 32720
Hotties Tan & Nails
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