Skydive Adventures is located in both Central Florida, USA and the United

The course consists of 8 jumps and begins with a day of ground school where you learn everything you need to know to complete your first jump. You must achieve a certain standard in order to pass each jump on the course and move to the next level. On the first 3 jumps you will be accompanied by 2 highly qualified instructors, assisting and teaching in free fall. From level 4 onwards, you continue with one instructor leading up to your first solo skydive on the eighth level of the course.

Throughout the course you will be learning a wide range of free fall and canopy control skills, including stability, parachute deployment, turns, loops and precision landings.

Sarah, our on site British Parachute Association instructor, will enable you to gain the British AFF qualification, recognized and accepted at drop zones back in the UK. With other country's qualifications you may be required to convert once back in the UK. We can offer the instruction, progression and continuity to enable you to carry on skydiving once you have graduated the programme. We also offer a friendly, personal and professional service designed to allow you to experience this exciting and exhilarating sport in the safest way possible.

AFF Course - After the Course - Accommodations & Other Activities
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